
Posts Tagged ‘bike riding’

Just a few months ago this bike sat down collecting dust forlorn and sad because neither of its owner wished to brave the ride without the training wheels that they insisted they needed to have off. But after two or five falls off the bike they laid the bike to rest.

No amount of coaxing worked.

Then about a month ago, on a day when we should have been doing homework, she picked up her bike, balanced and pedalled as if she had been doing it forever. And she hasn’t stopped since.

(And so did he except he wouldn’t let me take a pic )

This was a fun example of something that I have learned as a parent — Time Happens.

The things that seem to be big obstacles and challenges to your children given enough time and sometimes not that much time at all would sort themselves out and you are made to see that you worried or stressed for nothing.

Talking about time happening another school term has come to an end.

It’s Easter and my children are so excited here is a conversation we had

Big Daughter– Oooo Mummy the best thing about Easter is getting Easter eggs

Me– No No the best thing about Easter is that Jesus died and rose again.

Big Daughter– Yes Yes I know that! Ok but the Easter eggs are the funnest part of Easter!


Ok looks like we have some work to do with her LOL.

Looking forward to the Easter Egg hunt, some kite flying and of course church this Easter Holiday just as much as they are.


April is World Autism Awareness Month and the Jamaica Autism Support Association  (JASA) had a balloon release to commemorate. Stumbled upon photographer Joel Finnigen’s account of the release and thought I would share the link


What are your plans this Easter?

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